This ever-expanding reference list provides background on a diverse spectrum of illustrators across time, cultures, and artistic styles.
Scott Brundage
Illustrator whose depictions often possesses a sweet quality, with a nod to the sinister.
Joseph Clement Coll
American pen and ink artist who illustrated for newspapers, novels, and periodicals at the turn of the 20th century.
George Cruikshank
Political cartoonist and caricaturist, best known for his illustrations for the works of Charles Dickens.
Robert M. Cunningham
Illustrator for a variety of America’s leading magazines, using sports themes as a common subject matter.
Felix Octavius Carr Darley
Artist who helped expand the practice and growth of illustration in the United States.
Jack Davis
American cartoonist and illustrator who worked as a commercial artist, and was part of the founding staff of MAD magazine.