This ever-expanding reference list provides background on a diverse spectrum of illustrators across time, cultures, and artistic styles.
Julian Allen
Julian Allen was best known for his ability to create realistic, convincing portrayals of unwitnessed events.
Charles Alston
A noted painter, illustrator, sculptor, teacher, and muralist whose work covered subjects of race, religion, civil rights, and everyday life in the south.
Gwendolyn Bennett
A poet, teacher, artist, and writer whose work appeared in numerous journals during the Harlem Renaissance.
George Booth
Cartoonist for "The New Yorker" whose work has also appeared in numerous books and magazines.
Edmund Dulac
Prominent French-British artist who worked during the last years of the Golden Age of Illustration.
Teresa Fasolino
Contemporary illustrator best known for painting detailed covers for mystery novels.
Rudy Gutierrez
Artist and teacher whose focus is uplifting the viewer through abstract and emotional pieces.
Frances Jetter
Jetter uses visual memoir to tell personal stories and addresses political and social concerns.
Victor Juhasz
Prolific illustrator and visual reporter primarily known for his humorous caricatures in major magazines.
Clayton Knight
Aviation illustrator and author who served as an official artist for the United States Army Air Forces.
Leo Lionni
Groundbreaking modernist designer and children’s book illustrator who emerged as one of the international design community's most influential pathfinders and bridge-builders.
Tom Lovell
Creator of pulp and popular magazine illustrations who later painted historical events and the American West.
Roy McKie
Author and illustrator most famous for his collaboration with Dr. Seuss and the Beginner Books imprint series.
June Reynard McKie
American artist well-known for her fashion illustration and portraiture, and whose work has been featured both in the US and abroad.