The only difference between a fine artist and an illustrator is that the latter can draw, eats three square meals a day, and can afford to pay for them.
—James Montgomery Flagg
Famous for one of the world's most recognizable images, the I Want YOU for the U.S. Army poster created during World War I, James Montgomery Flagg (1877-1960) was also renowned for his elegant pen and ink illustrations crated for the periodicals of the day. Flagg possessed an ability to render exquisite images through deft strokes of the pen.
Illustrations by James Montgomery Flagg
Additional Resources
- Stripper’s Guide
- Yesterday’s Papers
- “Everett Raymond Kinstler: Pulps to Portraits”
- “The Illustrator in America, 1860-2000,” by Walt Reed
- Museum of American Illustration at the Society of Illustrators
- Library of Congress
Flagg, James Montgomery. The Adventures of Kitty Cobb. New York: George H. Doran Company, 1912.
Flagg, James Montgomery. Celebrities: A Half-Century of Caricature and Portraiture. Watkins Glen, NY: Century House, 1951.
Flagg, James Montgomery. Tomfoolery. New York: Life Pub. Co., 1904.
Flagg, James Montgomery. Yours Truly, and One Hundred Other Original Drawings. New York: Judge Company, 1907.
Meyer, Susan E. The James Montgomery Flagg Poster Book. New York: Watson-Guptill Publications, 1975.
Steward, Nicholas. James Montgomery Flagg: Uncle Sam and Beyond. Portland, OR: Collectors Press, 1997.