James Gurney’s "Dinotopia" bring the worlds of science and the imagination to life by chronicling Arthur and Will Denison’s remarkable experiences on a lost island in vibrant color and meticulous detail. Recounted in words and pictures in the best-selling book series, "Dinotopia: A Land Apart From Time" (1992), "Dinotopia: The World Beneath" (1995), and "Dinotopia: First Flight" (1999), the artist’s compelling tale has engaged and enchanted readers by inviting them to explore the far reaches of a mysterious destination. Waterfall City, the island’s center of learning, The Hatchery, birthplace of many of Dinotopia’s prehistoric inhabitants, and The Forbidden Mountains, where dinosaurs dare not venture, are just a few of the places described in Arthur Denison’s fictional journal and in the outstanding works on view.
Inspired by a deep and abiding interest in archaeology, lost civilizations, and the art of illustration, James Gurney invites viewers to enter a fantastical world in which dinosaurs and humans live side-by-side. His luminous paintings, beautifully crafted drawings and hand-made models, which are featured in this exhibition, explore the wonders of the distant past through the lens of the imagination. The artist’s original "New York Times" bestseller, "Dinotopia: A Land Apart from Time," appears in eighteen languages with over two million copies sold. "Dinotopia: Journey to Chandara," the next installment in the series, has been released and is now available.
Exhibition organized by Norman Rockwell Museum. www.nrm.org
Artwork courtesy and ©James Gurney. All rights reserved.
Video produced by Jeremy Clowe for Norman Rockwell Museum. ©2005 Norman Rockwell Museum. All rights reserved.