This ever-expanding reference list provides background on a diverse spectrum of illustrators across time, cultures, and artistic styles.
John La Gatta
Prolific 20th century illustrator known primarily for his depictions of glamorous women at leisure.
Tom La Padula
A versatile illustrator and educator who has created illustrations for children's books and other publications.
Vint Lawrence
Lawrence is best known for cartoons lampooning political figures from the 1970s through the 1990s.
Jacob Lawrence
Social realist and visual storyteller who portrayed people of color in a vibrant, geometric style.
Edward Lear
Scientific illustrator, children's book artist, and painter famous for his "Book of Nonsense."
Norman Lewis
As one of the few African American Abstract Expressionists, Lewis’ work headlined the Harlem art scene.
Joan Tarika Lewis
Lewis is an American visual artist, social justice pioneer, and the first woman to join the Black Panther Party.
J.C. Leyendecker
J.C. Leyendecker rose to fame as the creator of elegant artworks for mass publication.
Frank Xavier Leyendecker
Popular illustrator of commercial products, magazines, and books in the early 20th century.
Charles Lilly
Award-winning illustrator for a wide variety of clients; most famous for his portrait of Malcolm X.
Leo Lionni
Groundbreaking modernist designer and children’s book illustrator who emerged as one of the international design community's most influential pathfinders and bridge-builders.
Andrew Loomis
Loomis created a series of instructional publications which have influenced generations of artists.
Tom Lovell
Creator of pulp and popular magazine illustrations who later painted historical events and the American West.